Installation of various Aerials for Television and Radio

(Please note - Chimney fitment of aerials can no longer be done due to a past injury to an achilles tendon)














 Installation of various aerials to allow you to watch either ‘Freeview’ or 'Youview' on your television or set top box.

Listen to FM or DAB radio clearly from your hi-fi system.

Please note, the number of 'freeview' programmes, 'DAB'  and 'FM' channels received depends upon where you live and whether you can receive signals from a relay mast or main transmitter.

Price Examples (inclusive of labour/ best quality materials)

Wall fitment into 1 room from £165 (relay transmitter) or from £225 (distant main transmitter, including larger aerial & mast head amplifier); Chimney fitment into 1 room from £260; Feeds to extra rooms, allow, £100/room plus cable @75p/m.







Seasonal Problems:  Thunder and Lightening: 

If a lightening storm is imminant, for safety's sake, Please switch off and un-plug Televisions and ancillary items. Carefully unscrew /unplug aerial and satellite cables from said devices or from wall sockets. 


 Click on icon above.

"Freely" the new streaming service designed to eventually replace the broadcasted 'Freeview' has now been launched...

Click on the following icons for more information linking to respective websites:

Loading...   freesat      Loading...



Click on the images above to see what television services you can expect from your location


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